Lost and Found
Last Night was Lost’s season finale. We liked it. A lot.

Best take on Lost we’ve read in a while:
“Lost, as both a show and cultural phenomenon, is indebted to so many different sub-genres of popular fiction that it's to be expected viewer enjoyment will fluctuate from week-to-week depending simply on which color of the spectrum it chooses to paint with.” via the House Next Door.As the above implies, this was a tough year for the show. People were getting tired of it. Viewers dropped significantly (although we think some of that can be attributed to the rise of Tivo and other DVRs, new viewing habits not yet tracked by Nielsen) People we know who used to love the show were now ambivalent about it. We missed a few episodes this season and never bothered to catch up, even tho they are available for free at the lost Web site.
So last night they go and reset the whole thing. That flashback gimmick is now a fast forward, showing us what happens to them after they get off the island. Brilliant.
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