Monday, August 27, 2007

Clash of Civilizations update

How can you win if your team keeps forfeiting?

Berkely Breathed’s weekly strip mentions Islam, so of course it is pulled by a number of newspapers this weekend, including the Boston Globe.
"At least 25 of the 200 or so "Opus" client newspapers might not run the Sunday-only comic's next two episodes, which feature Islamic references and a sex joke. ..

Berkeley Breathed's Aug. 26 and Sept. 2 strips -- which comprise sort of a two-part series -- show the Lola Granola character wanting to become an Islamic radicalist (and wear traditional Muslim clothing) because it's a "hot new fad on the planet." Content also includes what Shearer described as "a sex joke a little stronger than we normally see."

Wyson said some client papers hesitated to run a sex joke and others won't publish any Muslim-related humor, whether pro or con. "They just don't want to touch that," she said." via Editor and Publisher

Read the illicit strip here.

Thanks to Universal Hub for pointing out the Globe's cowardice.


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