Friday, July 11, 2008

The Onion's AV club interviews the latest flavor of the month, Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone. He comes across as a smug bastard on Bill Maher, but we like him because he stands up to the 911 Truth movement lunatics.

"AVC: You'd think a movement devoted to seeking truth would encourage debate as a way to arrive at the truth, rather than trying to suppress whatever doesn't already align with their own views.

MT: Absolutely. I make this point with Truthers all the time, that the whole direction of everything they do is the opposite of what finding out the truth is. They approach the subject matter in much the same way a defense attorney does. A defense attorney takes a case and he sees six pieces of evidence that are going to convict his client, and he sets out to destroy those six pieces of evidence, irrelevant to the actual truth of the situation. That's not to denigrate defense attorneys, but that's what they do. It's exactly the same thing that Truthers do." via the AV Club.


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